Saturday, August 8, 2009

My Jim Javens Adventures

By: Christopher Fields Class of 1993 Grantsville/Tooele High School

So I am 11 years old, just started the 6th grade and the call comes over the intercom. "Attention students!!!!!! There will be a program after school in the band room with Hayes Music Center".
Mr Javens asked me what I wanted to play, I told him I wanted to play the piano, he laughed and said I would have a hard time pushing a piano down the street. And then I told him I wanted to play the Trumpet, I really meant the Trombone, (I thought it was called the Trumpet, I swear to God! that lady called it a trumpet).

I was told that my instrument would come in a week, I was so excited. Fast Forward, I am sitting in class, Andrew & Peter Butcher gave me a few quick lessons on how to get a sound out of the Trumpet, Yes I said a trumpet, I was so disappointed. I made some sweet sounding music right off the bat, lol, NOT! Poor Mr. Javens, I am surprised he has never passed away due to the loss of blood, gushing out of his ears for internal or external bleeding. :)

When 8th grade rolled around I was a 2yr student and I practiced every day for those 2 years, religiously. Mr. Javens said I was his best student, the others in the class thought so too so they made me Band President, woooooo hooooooo!

Now High School, what a blast, now I got to play with the greats, actually they thought they were the greats, until I got there, lol, Duane (Don't remember his name, doesn't matter), Sheridan Taylor, he was a good mentor, Sharon Thorton (Montgomery), and much much more. It did not take long to get used to the people in class and to own my instrument. Mr Javens worked with me a lot and took time after school to help me with hitting notes and making sure I mastered my instrument. Lol, I have to laugh, one time I could not go to Disney land due to my grades, I had an F, lol, in like 5 classes, lol. Jim said, and I will never forget, "You are my dumbest most talented student", I don't know what was said after that but it struck a chord.

I attended Tooele High School my Senior year to try out for a few Band Scholarships, I played with the Blue Devils in the Summer of 1993. Joined the Air-Force in June 1994, and was the base Bugler for Lack land AFB for 8 weeks. Played with the Air-Force band for 6 months, was deployed to Saudi Arabia and there I was the Base Bugler, then stationed at Whiteman AFB and finished there also as the base Bugler and was the Squadron Leader for the 351st Color Guard. I received over $120,000 in scholarships for college just for playing a damn Trumpet. I'm glad I never picked the trombone, lol.

So in short if it was not for the special attention of a great teacher, mentor and man, who knows where I would have gone. Today I am 34 yrs old and still play the trumpet, I don't play for an hour everyday but I attribute many of my accomplishments today for playing an instrument. I am a Computer Engineer, a proud veteran of this country, I have traveled the world twice and a father of 4 soon to be 5 and I plan on teaching all my children to play an instrument.

Thank you Jim for not letting me push a piano down the road. Bets of wishes and you will always be in my heart and I hope after many will read this letter they will have an idea of the impact you made not on just my life, but the lives that I influence everyday. Your a genius and a mad man for working with all the students, it takes a special person to deal with students but especially me.


Christopher Fields

p.s. I could write a book on my "Band Adventures"

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